Monday, February 13, 2012


Or an equal or opposite reaction?
Withered down like a broken tune
My solo moaned on broken tributes
Lover of self has no chips to gain
Checked, folded and raised my conquests game
for aftermaths of self pity and scattered hearts.

Chroni symptoms of a good girl
Who curtsy when there were no performance
And batters her lashes hoping for love's endurance.
Advancing further than good girls dare
Filtrate her targets mind with seeds sown bare.

It is a most beautiful thing
That love so many vextions bring
Pirates of intimacy who holds no duty
Yet a storm of passion can anchor there sexual mutiny.
In search of a freedom song from the blossoming of her desires
From wrongs committed in drunkardness laid on fruitful admirers.


Its a beautiful feeling!
I gt caremel and chocolate running through my skin
Sweet honey dew from my lips
Brown sugar spewing from my heart.
Diamonds brighten my eyes
and silk covering my offereing hand.

Its a beautiful feeling to feel a beautiful me.
